Call for papers: Saints, Sinners and Scribes in the Celtic World

The Celtic Studies Association of North America (CSANA) Annual Meeting convenes April 9-11, 2010 at the University of Notre Dame to discuss papers related to the conference theme: "Saints, Sinners and Scribes in the Celtic World." The organizers welcome proposals from faculty and graduate students in particular for individual 20 minute papers that address the conference theme or any aspect of the languages, literature, history, folklore, music, art and archaeology of ancient, medieval and modern Celtic cultures. Potential presenters should send a 200-250 word abstract suitable for reproduction, plus a brief biographical sketch (one-half page in length) before Feb. 1, 2010 to

Graduate students are encouraged to present at the conference and the 2010 CSANA Graduate Prize will be awarded to the best graduate paper presented at the conference (membership required).

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